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Vim - the ubiquitous text editor

Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to make creating and changing any kind of text very efficient. It is included as "vi" with most UNIX systems and with Apple OS X.

Vim is rock stable and is continuously being developed to become even better. Among its features are:
  • persistent, multi-level undo tree
  • extensive plugin system
  • support for hundreds of programming languages and file formats
  • powerful search and replace
  • integrates with many tools

  News  Vim 9.1.0532 is the current version 

Support for the XDG Base Directory Specification

[2024-04-18] Patch 9.1.327 brings support for the freedesktop XDG Base Directory Specification and has now been merged. A few more adjustments have been made withe following patches: v9.1.0337 and 9.1.345. That means, you can now place your configuration files under ~/.config/vim/ instead of ~/.vim so Vim will stop littering your home directory. Note: To make this change backwards compatible, Vim will only attempt to source from that location, if ~/.vim/vimrc and ~/.vimrc file do not exist. So it won't impact existing users, but users that want to start using the new location, will need to move their existing configuration to the new place. You can also read about it at :h xdg-base-dir. Thanks to all the contributors that help Vim continuing to grow! (Christian Brabandt)

Vim 9.1 is released!

[2024-01-02] The Vim project is happy to announce that Vim 9.1 has finally been released. This release is dedicated to Bram Moolenaar, Vims lead developer for more than 30 years, who suddenly passed away in August 2023. The most notable changes are support for Vim9 classes and objects, smooth scrolling support and virtual text support. And as usual, runtime files have been updated, many bugs have been fixed and potential security relevant fixes have been included. You can find the full announcement here. (Christian Brabandt)

A new Vim.org Homepage

[2023-10-12] The Vim homepage will be renovated by a few students from the FH University Salzburg. Development will happen at a new Github repository. Feedback is very welcome and can happen at the vim_dev mailing list or at the github repository.
See the announcement. (Christian Brabandt)

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Vim: The power tool for everyone!

See pictures of Bram's latest visit to Uganda on Google Photos.

Read the visit report on the ICCF website.

  Recent Script Updates  5,948 scripts, 18,113,932 downloads 
[2024-07-01]  asyncrun : Run Async Shell Commands in Vim 8.0 and Output to Quickfix in Realtime
(2.13.0) - function "asyncrun#get_root()" now accepts buffer number - Wei Lin
[2024-06-30]  fuzzyy : A fuzzy finder for vim
(1.2) https://github.com/Donaldttt/fuzzyy - Nachuan Tang
[2024-06-23]  RepeatableYank : Repeatable appending yank to a named register.
(1.30) - BUG: {count}gyy does not repeat the count. - Emulate appending to a non-named register (through use of a temporary named register). The previously advertised behavior of simply repeating a yank to the specified {09-*+~/-} register turned out to be far less useful (at least to me and Enno Nagel, who suggested this enhancement) than the ability to consistently accumulate in any register. - CHG: ... - Ingo Karkat
[2024-06-23]  spotdiff.vim : A range and area selectable diffthis to compare partially
(5.2) Implemented to update the differences shortly after the text is changed. - Rick Howe
[2024-06-21]  vim-navigator : An whichkey alternative to provide keymap hints.
(0.0.4) - refactor navigator#charname#mapname() to prevent infinite loop. - remove verbose message when cleaning the buffer content. - fix typo in the documentation. - Wei Lin
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  Vim Tips
The tips are located on the Vim Tips wiki. This is a platform to exchange tips and tricks from and for Vim users.

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Questions about Vim should go to the maillist. Help Bram help Uganda.
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