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dotenv.vim : Basic support for .env and Procfile

 script karma  Rating 1/3, Downloaded by 1197  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Tim Pope
script type
## Interactive Usage

Use `:Dotenv {file}` or `:Dotenv {dir}` to load a `.env` file and set the corresponding environment variables in Vim.  Use `:verbose Dotenv` to see what variables are actually being set.

## Projections

With projectionist.vim (vimscript #4989) and dispatch.vim (vimscript #4504) installed, you'll get a default `:Start` of `foreman start` for projects with a `Procfile`, and a default `:Dispatch` of `foreman check` for the `Procfile` itself.

## Dispatch

If you call `:Dispatch foreman run whatever` or `:Dispatch dotenv whatever`, the compiler will be correctly selected for the `whatever` command.

## API

While the above are all marginally helpful, this is the use case that inspired the plugin.  Other plugins can call `DotenvGet('VAR')` to get the value of `$VAR` globally or from the current buffer's `.env`.  Here's a wrapper to optionally use `DotenvGet()` if it's available.

    function! s:env(var) abort
      return exists('*DotenvGet') ? DotenvGet(a:var) : eval('$'.a:var)

    let db_url = s:env('DATABASE_URL')

There's also `DotenvExpand()`, a drop-in replacement for `expand()`.

    function! s:expand(expr) abort
      return exists('*DotenvExpand') ? DotenvExpand(a:expr) : expand(a:expr)
install details
Extract in ~/.vim (~\vimfiles on Windows).

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
dotenv.zip 1.0 2015-05-17 7.0 Tim Pope Initial upload
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