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LaTeX-Suite (aka Vim-LaTeX) : A rich set of tools for editing LaTeX

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created by
Srinath Avadhanula
script type
Vim-LaTeX (aka LaTeX-suite) is a mature project which aims at bringing
together the rich set of LaTeX tools the vim community has produced over
the years into one comprehensive package. It provides a set of tools
which enable you to do all your LaTeX-ing without needing to quit Vim.

Vim-LaTeX has its own web-page at:


Please visit there to get the latest version, documentation, screen shots etc.

A brief (not complete) list of the features currently supported by
Vim-LaTeX are as follows:

* Editing:  Latex-Suite ships with a very comprehensive set of insert
  mode and visual mode mappings and menu items to typeset most of the
  LaTeX elements. These range from 3 letter insert mode mappings which
  insert a skeleton of common typesetting elements to visual mode
  mappings which enclose the selected region in braces, parentheses,
  etc. The mappings can also be accessed via the menus.

* Compiling: You can compile the tex file from within vim. The list of
  errors is shown in a quickfix window so you can directly go to the
  location of an error. The compiler plugin can be dynamically
  reconfigured to show you more or less warnings.

* Viewing: By pressing a key from within vim, the .dvi viewer is started
  up. You can also do forward and inverse searching on your .dvi file
  from within vim.

* Folding: Latex-suite ships with the plugin SyntaxFolds.vim which is
  a plugin for creating "fake" syntax folds on the fly. The fold method
  is actually manual but the folding is based on LaTeX syntax. This
  offers a speed increase over regular syntax folding. When you open up
  a LaTeX file, all the portions will be automatically folded up.

* Packages: This module provides ways of customizing the menus based on
  which packages are being used in the current LaTeX file. When
  latex-suite first starts up, it scans the latex-master-file for
  \usepackage{name} lines and if the corresponding package is found in
  the latex-suite/packages/ directory, then creates a sub-menu based on
  the specification found in that file. See the list of currently
  supported packages.

* LaTeX help file: Latex-suite ships with the standard texinfo file
  translated into vim help format so that you can get help for common
  latex commands from within vim. You can view the html version of this
  file here.

* Dictionary: Latex-suite ships with a dictionary with over 600 LaTeX
  commands, which speeds up typing using the CTRL-X_d command of vim.

* Customized Templates: Latex-suite ships with some commonly used latex
  templates. It is trivial to add your own templates. The templates can
  contain dynamic data such as time of creation etc. See list of current

* Customized Macros: Latex-suite makes it easy to add custom macros,
  again with the possibility of dynamic content and automatic cursor



for the list of maintainers / how to contact us.Vim-LaTeX is currently maintained

Srinath Avadhanula
Mikolaj Machowski
Benji Fisher

install details
The installation instructions (along with the latest stable versions of
LaTeX-suite) are maintained at:



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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
latexSuite-1.5.tar.gz 1.5 2003-12-01 6.0 Srinath Avadhanula A vastly improved and bug-fixed version of latex-suite.

Release Notes: http://vim-latex.sourceforge.net/download/RELEASE-1.5.txt
Changelog: http://vim-latex.sourceforge.net/vimfiles/ftplugin/latex-suite/ChangeLog

NOTE: The Changelog at this moment suffers from excessive verbosity since it is            automatically generated.

Please note that releases are made much more regularly on the vim-latex download page at:

latexSuite.zip 1.0 2002-11-07 6.0 Srinath Avadhanula Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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