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sensible.vim : Defaults everyone can agree on

 script karma  Rating 578/212, Downloaded by 4427  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Tim Pope
script type
Think of sensible.vim as one step above 'nocompatible' mode: a universal set of defaults that (hopefully) everyone can agree on.

* If you're new to Vim, you can install this as a starting point, rather than copying some random vimrc you found.
* If you're pair programming and you can't agree on whose vimrc to use, this can be your neutral territory.
* If you're administrating a server with an account that's not exclusively yours, you can `scp` this up to make things a bit more tolerable.
* If you're troubleshooting a plugin and need to rule out interference from your vimrc, having this installed will ensure you still have some basic amenities.

## Features

See the source for the authoritative list of features.  (Don't worry, it's mostly :set calls.)  Here's a taste:

* 'backspace': Backspace through anything in insert mode.
* 'incsearch': Start searching before pressing enter.
* 'listchars': Makes :set list (visible whitespace) prettier.
* 'scrolloff': Always show at least one line above/below the cursor.
* runtime! macros/matchit.vim: Load the version of matchit.vim that ships with Vim.

install details
Extract in ~/.vim (~\vimfiles on Windows).

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
sensible.zip 2.0 2023-03-18 7.0 Tim Pope Try to avoid overriding options set in user vimrc.
Provide :DiffOrig, as found in the example at `:help :DiffOrig`.
Enable Vim's included :Man command.
Enable g:is_posix, for better highlighting of sh filetype.
Break undo with <C-G>u before delete word with <C-W>.
Add `set viewoptions-=options`.
Add `set display+=truncate`.
Add `set nolangremap`.
Add `set nocompatible`.
Replace `set sidescrolloff=5` with `set sidescroll=1 sidescrolloff=2`.
Remove `set autoindent`.
Remove conditional `set encoding=utf-8`.
Don't run `filetype plugin indent on` a second time.
sensible.zip 1.2 2018-01-22 7.0 Tim Pope Enable upwards tags file searching with `./tags;` in 'tags'.
Enable joining commented lines with `formatoptions` j flag.
Remove 'showcmd', 'shiftround', and 'fileformat' changes.
Allow fish as 'shell' for compatible Vim versions.
Don't override user specified 'ttimeoutlen'.
Don't force `t_Co` to 16 for Eterm.
Add :diffupdate to CTRL-L map.
sensible.zip 1.1 2014-04-24 7.0 Tim Pope Break undo after CTRL-U.
Set shiftround.
Set tabpagemax=50.
Set nrformats-=octal.
Set sessionoptions-=options.
Set history=1000.
Set ttimeoutlen=100.
Set encoding=utf-8 in gvim.
Override shell=fish to use a supported shell instead.
Use ASCII only listchars.
Drop fillchars.
Drop smartcase.
Drop autowrite.
Drop showmatch.
Drop Y mapping.
Don't clobber scroll offsets.
Don't override a blank viminfo.
Don't force UNIX line endings on Windows.
Stop setting temporary directories.
sensible.zip 1.0 2013-01-10 7.0 Tim Pope Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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