ChangeGlobally : Change {motion} text and repeat the substitution.
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Rating 9/3,
Downloaded by 3203 |
Comments, bugs, improvements
Vim wiki
created by |
Ingo Karkat |
script type |
utility |
description |
Changing existing text is one of the main editing tasks. In Vim, there are two
approaches: Either use the c and s commands, then quit insert mode; maybe
repeat this via . at another location. Or build a :substitute command for
controlled replacement in the line, range, or buffer.
This plugin implements a hybrid of these two contrasting approaches: It offers
a gc command that works just like built-in c, and after leaving insert
mode applies the local substitution to all other occurrences in the current
line (in case of a small character change) or, when entire line(s) were
changed, to the rest of the buffer.
The gc command hooks itself into the InsertLeave event, then applies
something like :s/\=@"/\=@./g to the line or buffer.
- ReplaceWithRegister (vimscript #2703) simplifies another frequent editing
task: Replace the moved-over text / selection with the contents of register.
Compared to the gr... and <Leader>gr mappings here, it provides a quicker
way to replace single instances, and can also correctly deal with blockwise
register contents.
- ChangeGloballySmartCase (vimscript #4322) is an add-on to this plugin that
implements a gC variant that uses a "smart case" substitution which covers
variations in upper-/lowercase ("maxSize" vs. "MaxSize") as well as
different coding styles like CamelCase and underscore_notation ("maxSize",
- Without the plugin, you can use the star or / commands to search for the
existing text, then use cgn to change the next occurrence, then repeat
this with . as often as needed.
- multichange.vim (vimscript #4309) uses a command :[range]MultiChange to
modify the default c command to do an entire-word global substitution in the
entire range.
- vim-subversive ( implements a
"substitute over range motion" that works like gc* and <Leader>gc, but
queries for the replacement text instead of letting you edit it in the
- vim-mode-plus for the Atom editor has an occurrence modifier for
operator-pending mode
( that
applies the current word to the {motion} text, working like gc* / gx* (but
not limited to change and delete, so other commands like gU also work).
[N]["x]gc{motion} Delete {motion} text [into register x] and start
{Visual}[N]["x]gc Delete the highlighted text [into register x] and
start inserting.
After exiting insert mode, the substitution is
- For characterwise motions / selections: Globally to
the changed line if possible, or globally in the
entire buffer when no additional substitution can be
made in the changed line or a very large [N] is
given g:ChangeGlobally_GlobalCountThreshold.
- For linewise motions / selections: Globally (for
identical complete lines) in the entire buffer.
- [N] times (including the just completed change, so
only N > 1 really makes sense), starting from the
position of the changed text, also moving into
following lines if not all [N] substitutions can be
made in the current line. To avoid this spill-over,
and just apply all possible substitutions from the
current position to the end of the line, you can
specify g:ChangeGlobally_LimitToCurrentLineCount.
Note: A possible [count] inside {motion} is
different from [N]; e.g., 2gc3w changes 3 words, and
then applies this change 1 more time.
The substitution is always done case-sensitive,
regardless of the 'ignorecase' setting.
When the changed text is surrounded by keyword
boundaries (/\<text\>/), only keyword matches are
replaced so spurious matches inside keywords (e.g.
"IN" inside "rINg") are ignored. This does not apply
to visual selections.
["x]gcc Delete [count] lines [into register x] and start
insert linewise. If 'autoindent' is on, preserve the
indent of the first line. After exiting insert mode,
the substitution is applied globally.
When a command is repeated via ., the previous
substitution (without entering a new insert mode) is
re-applied to the visual selection, [count] next
lines, or the range of the previous substitution.
For a command that used a limit [N], the number of
substitutions and the start column from where they
were applied are kept.
With the visualrepeat.vim plugin, commands can be
repeated on a blockwise-visual selection. In that
- A repeat of gcc matches not only complete lines
(they probably aren't fully selected), just the text
- Start column and [N] limit restrictions are dropped;
the change is applied anywhere inside the selected
All these modifications are kept for subsequent
repeats of the repeat, so the blockwise repeat can be
cleverly employed to remove certain change
restrictions for following repeats of different kinds.
[N]["x]gx{motion} Delete {motion} text [into register x] and apply the
{Visual}[N]["x]gx Delete the highlighted text [into register x] and
apply the deletion, like with gc.
["x]gxx Delete [count] lines [into register x] and apply the
deletion globally.
[N]["x]gc*{motion} Delete the current whole \<word\> [into register x]
and start inserting. After exiting insert mode, that
text substitution is applied to all / the first [N]
occurrences inside {motion} text.
[N]["x]gx*{motion} Delete the current whole \<word\> [into register x]
and apply the deletion to all / the first [N]
occurrences inside {motion} text.
[N]["x]gr*{motion} Delete the current whole \<word\> and replace all /
the first [N] occurrences with the contents of the
default register / register x inside {motion} text.
[N]["x]gcg*{motion} Delete the current word [into register x] and
start inserting. After exiting insert mode, that text
substitution is applied to all / the first [N]
occurrences inside {motion} text.
[N]["x]gxg*{motion} Delete the current word [into register x] and
apply the deletion to all / the first [N] occurrences
inside {motion} text.
[N]["x]grg*{motion} Delete the current word and replace all / the first
[N] occurrences with the contents of the default
register / register x inside {motion} text.
[N]["x]gc_ALT-8{motion} Delete the current whole \_sWORD\_s [into register x]
and start inserting. After exiting insert mode, that
text substitution is applied to all / the first [N]
occurrences inside {motion} text.
[N]["x]gx_ALT-8{motion} Delete the current whole \_sWORD\_s [into register x]
and apply the deletion to all / the first [N]
occurrences inside {motion} text.
[N]["x]gr_ALT-8{motion} Delete the current whole \_sWORD\_s and replace all /
the first [N] occurrences with the contents of the
default register / register x inside {motion} text.
[N]["x]gcg_ALT-8{motion}Delete the current WORD [into register x] and start
inserting. After exiting insert mode, that text
substitution is applied to all / the first [N]
occurrences inside {motion} text.
[N]["x]gxg_ALT-8{motion}Delete the current WORD [into register x] and
apply the deletion to all / the first [N] occurrences
inside {motion} text.
[N]["x]gr_gALT-8{motion}Delete the current WORD and replace all / the first
[N] occurrences with the contents of the default
register / register x inside {motion} text.
Delete {source-motion} text [into register x] and
start inserting. After exiting insert mode, that text
substitution is applied to all / the first [N]
occurrences inside {target-motion} text.
Delete the selected text [into register x] and start
inserting. After exiting insert mode, that text
substitution is applied to all / the first [N]
occurrences inside {motion} text.
Delete the {source-motion} text [into register x] and
apply the deletion to all / the first [N] occurrences
inside {target-motion} text.
Delete the selected text [into register x] and apply
the deletion to all / the first [N] occurrences inside
{motion} text.
Delete {source-motion} text and replace all / the
first [N] occurrences with the contents of the default
register / register x inside {target-motion} text.
Delete the selected text and replace all / the first
[N] occurrences with the contents of the default
register / register x inside {target-motion} text.
When any of these commands is repeated via ., the
previous substitution of the same source text is
re-applied to {motion} (relative to the current
position now) again.
With the visualrepeat.vim plugin, you can also
directly reapply to the current selection instead of
the previous {motion}. Further repeats will then
target a selection of the same size as before.
Suppose you have a line like this, and you want to change "de" to "en":
A[lang=de]:after, SPAN[lang=de]:after { content: url(""); }
With the cursor on the start of any of the "de", type |gc|e, enter the text
"en", then press <Esc>. The line will turn into
A[lang=en]:after, SPAN[lang=en]:after { content: url("lang.en.gif"); }
You can now re-apply this substitution to other lines or a visual selection
via . repeat.
Now we want to change all SPAN to DIV in the current paragraph. Position the
cursor on the SPAN and type |gc*|ip, enter "DIV", and press <Esc>. You'll get
A[lang=en]:after, DIV[lang=en]:after { content: url("lang.en.gif"); }
The change is also propagated to surrounding lines, according to the ip text
Now let's get rid of the ":after" in this line and the next 3 ones. With the
cursor on the ":", type |<Leader>gx|t,3+, and the line turns to
A[lang=en], DIV[lang=en] { content: url("lang.en.gif"); }
as the t, chooses the source text (to be deleted), and 3+ is a motion that
includes the next 3 lines. |
install details |
The code is hosted in a Git repo at
You can use your favorite plugin manager, or "git clone" into a directory used
for Vim packages. Releases are on the "stable" branch, the latest unstable
development snapshot on "master".
This script is also packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip"
decompressor in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise,
decompress the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by
sourcing the vimball or via the :UseVimball command.
vim ChangeGlobally*.vmb.gz
:so %
To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.
- Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
- Requires the ingo-library.vim plugin (vimscript #4433), version 1.042 or
- repeat.vim (vimscript #2136) plugin (optional)
- visualrepeat.vim (vimscript #3848) plugin (version 2.00 or higher; optional)
For a permanent configuration, put the following commands into your vimrc:
To apply a characterwise substitution globally in the entire buffer even when
there are additional substitutions in the current line, a very large [count]
can be supplied. To change the threshold, use:
let g:ChangeGlobally_GlobalCountThreshold = 999
To turn off this feature, set the threshold to 0.
As it's sometimes not easy to quickly count the number of occurrences to
replace, or particular occurrences have to be skipped, the special count value
of 888 makes the commands switch to confirm each replacement (via the :s_c
flag). You can change this value or turn off this feature by setting it to 0:
let g:ChangeGlobally_ConfirmCount = 0
A count [N] for a characterwise gc motion / selection will also substitute
in subsequent lines if there are less than [N] matches in the current line. To
avoid that, you can specify a special number [N], which limits the
substitutions to the end of the current line. You can change this value or
turn off this feature by setting it to 0:
let g:ChangeGlobally_LimitToCurrentLineCount = 99
If you want no or only a few of the available mappings, you can completely
turn off the creation of the default mappings by defining:
:let g:ChangeGlobally_no_mappings = 1
This saves you from mapping dummy keys to all unwanted mapping targets.
If you want to use different mappings, map your keys to the <Plug>(Change...)
and <Plug>(Delete...) mapping targets _before_ sourcing the script (e.g. in
your vimrc):
nmap <Leader>c <Plug>(ChangeGloballyOperator)
nmap <Leader>cc <Plug>(ChangeGloballyLine)
xmap <Leader>c <Plug>(ChangeGloballyVisual)
nmap <Leader>x <Plug>(DeleteGloballyOperator)
nmap <Leader>xx <Plug>(DeleteGloballyLine)
xmap <Leader>x <Plug>(DeleteGloballyVisual)
nmap gc* <Plug>(ChangeWholeWordOperator)
nmap gx* <Plug>(DeleteWholeWordOperator)
nmap gr* <Plug>(RegisterWholeWordOperator)
nmap gcg* <Plug>(ChangeWordOperator)
nmap gxg* <Plug>(DeleteWordOperator)
nmap grg* <Plug>(RegisterWordOperator)
nmap gc<A-8> <Plug>(ChangeWholeWORDOperator)
nmap gx<A-8> <Plug>(DeleteWholeWORDOperator)
nmap gr<A-8> <Plug>(RegisterWholeWORDOperator)
nmap gcg<A-8> <Plug>(ChangeWORDOperator)
nmap gxg<A-8> <Plug>(DeleteWORDOperator)
nmap grg<A-8> <Plug>(RegisterWORDOperator)
nmap <Leader>gc <Plug>(ChangeOperatorOperator)
nmap <Leader>gx <Plug>(DeleteOperatorOperator)
nmap <Leader>gr <Plug>(RegisterOperatorOperator)
xmap <Leader>gc <Plug>(ChangeSelectionOperator)
xmap <Leader>gx <Plug>(DeleteSelectionOperator)
xmap <Leader>gr <Plug>(RegisterSelectionOperator) |
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
ChangeGlobally-2.10.vmb.gz |
2.10 |
2024-11-10 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- ENH: Add gr*, grg*, gr<A-8>, grg<A-8>, <Leader>gr mappings that replace with register contents instead of the changed text / deleting (and capturing in a register).
- Work around "E11: Invalid in command-line window" when executed in the command-line window. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.042! *** |
ChangeGlobally-2.01.vmb.gz |
2.01 |
2020-02-25 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- Support {target-motion} of |gv| in <Leader>gc and <Leader>gx to replace in the last selection. (Previously, the {source-motion} clobbered the user-established visual selection.)
- The custom operators don't clobber the previous visual selection any longer.
- BUG: Regression: gcc and gxx broken by forgotten adaptation of regexp magicness. |
ChangeGlobally-2.00.vmb.gz |
2.00 |
2020-02-10 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- ENH: Add a set of mappings that apply the change / deletion of cword / cWORD / selection over the text moved over by {motion}. So instead of specifying the source text via {motion}, the target area is specified. There's even a mapping that lets you specify both source and target as two {motion}s!
- Implement special case for the black-hole register, where we cannot extract the original text.
- ENH: Allow to disable all default mappings via a single g:ChangeGlobally_no_mappings configuration flag. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.040! *** |
ChangeGlobally-1.31.vmb.gz |
1.31 |
2018-11-04 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- BUG: When a {N}gc{motion} substitution is repeated, is it applied only to the current, single line, not for {N} instances in subsequent lines. ChangeGlobally#Repeat().
- Default to applying {N}gc{motion} beyond the current line, unless a count of g:ChangeGlobally_LimitToCurrentLineCount is given. Especially with 'hlsearch', one often can see the (low) number of substitutions in the few following lines, and it's comfortable to be able to change them all in one fell swoop, instead of applying to just the current line and then having to repeat over the next few lines with [count]. command. |
ChangeGlobally-1.30.vmb.gz |
1.30 |
2014-12-12 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- ENH: Implement global delete (gx{motion}, gxx) as a specialization of an empty change. |
ChangeGlobally-1.21.vmb.gz |
1.21 |
2014-04-25 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- FIX: Disable global substitution when g:ChangeGlobally_GlobalCountThreshold is 0, as is documented.
- ENH: Confirm each replacement via :s_c flag when a special g:ChangeGlobally_ConfirmCount is given. |
ChangeGlobally-1.20.vmb.gz |
1.20 |
2013-11-19 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- ENH: Special handling for repeat on blockwise selection (through visualrepeat.vim) that makes more sense.
- Autocmds may interfere with the plugin when they temporarily leave insert mode (i_CTRL-O) or create an undo point (i_CTRL-G_u). Disable them until the user is done inserting.
- Use optional visualrepeat#reapply#VisualMode() for normal mode repeat of a visual mapping. When supplying a [count] on such repeat of a previous linewise selection, now [count] number of lines instead of [count] times the original selection is used.
- Avoid changing the jumplist.
- ENH: Handle undo points created during insertion: Undo the whole insertion sequence (by using :undo with the original change number) and substitute the entire captured insertion, not just the last part, by detecting a multi-change insert and using the original start position instead of the start change mark.
- Add dependency to ingo-library (vimscript #4433). *** You need to separately install ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.011 (or higher)! *** |
ChangeGlobally-1.01.vmb.gz |
1.01 |
2013-01-19 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
BUG: Linewise changes (gcc) causes beep instead of substitution. |
ChangeGlobally-1.00.vmb.gz |
1.00 |
2012-11-23 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
Initial upload |
ip used for rating: