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stickykey : You don't need press very far away meta keys

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latest version at http://github.com/tyru/stickykey.vim/

This plugin provides Sticky Key to you.
With Sticky Key, you can emulate <C-o> by ";o".
(In this case, <Plug>(stickykey-ctrl) is mapped to ";")

And I suppose you are using GNU screen :)
Inputting screen's hotkey is a little complicated.
But you can send key input to screen fastly, certainly, and easily.


<Plug>(stickykey-...-remap) works like recursive mapping.

    Sticky key for |ctrl|.

    Sticky key for |alt|.

    Sticky key for |shift|.

    Sticky key for Macintosh command key. (see |<D-|)


g:stickykey_when_no_escaped_key string (default: "thru")
    This variables determines when stickykey can not find
    escaped input with meta key.
    For e.g., while waiting the next key after pressing
    "<Plug>(stickykey-ctrl)", <C-o> is input.
    This variable can be any one of those:
            Behave like no key is input.
            Execute key without escaping with meta key.
            Dispose current key input, wait next input again.
install details
just install to your ~/.vim directory

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
stickeykey.zip 0.0.1a 2011-01-28 7.0 tyru fix error: j is undefined variable
stickeykey.zip 0.0.1 2011-01-27 7.0 tyru - refactoring
- add experimental options to g:stickykey_when_no_escaped_key ("input", "mapping")
stickykey.zip 0.0.0 2010-02-25 7.0 tyru Initial upload
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