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Emmet.vim : vim plugins for HTML and CSS hi-speed coding.

 script karma  Rating 2170/664, Downloaded by 57386  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Yasuhiro Matsumoto
script type

This is vim script support expanding abbreviation like emmet.
ref: http://emmet.io/

is a movie using emmet.vim
ref: http://mattn.github.com/emmet-vim

ref: http://github.com/mattn/emmet-vim

   | html:5_
"_" is a cursor position. and type "<c-y>," (Ctrl + y and Comma)
NOTE: Don't worry about key map. you can change it easily.
   | <html lang="en">
   | <head>
   |     <title></title>
   |     <meta charset="UTF-8">
   | </head>
   | <body>
   |      _
   | </body>
   | </html>
Type following
   | div#foo$*2>div.bar
And type "<c-y>,"
   |<div id="foo1">
   |    <div class="bar">_</div>
   |<div id="foo2">
   |    <div class="bar"></div>
   | _



work this:



can customize behavior of expanding with overriding config.
This configuration will be merged at loading plugin.

  let g:user_emmet_settings = {
  \  'indentation' : '  ',
  \  'perl' : {
  \    'aliases' : {
  \      'req' : 'require '
  \    },
  \    'snippets' : {
  \      'use' : "use strict\nuse warnings\n\n",
  \      'warn' : "warn \"|\";",
  \    }
  \  }

  let g:user_emmet_expandabbr_key = '<c-e>'

  let g:use_emmet_complete_tag = 1

You can set language attribute in html using emmet_settings['lang'].
install details

# cd ~/.vim
# unzip emmet-vim.zip

or if you install pathogen.vim:

# cd ~/.vim/bundle # or make directory
# unzip /path/to/emmet-vim.zip

if you get sources from repository:

# cd ~/.vim/bundle # or make directory
# git clone http://github.com/mattn/emmet-vim.git>

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
emmet-vim.zip 0.86 2015-07-26 7.0 Yasuhiro Matsumoto This is an upgrade for Emmet.vim: lot of bug fixes.
emmet-vim.zip 0.85 2014-09-03 7.0 Yasuhiro Matsumoto This is an upgrade for Emmet.vim: lot of bug fixes.
emmet-vim.zip 0.84 2014-09-03 7.0 Yasuhiro Matsumoto This is an upgrade for Emmet.vim: lot of bug fixes. fix bug that interpose insert completion plugins.
emmet-vim.zip 0.83 2013-11-21 7.0 Yasuhiro Matsumoto This is an upgrade for Emmet.vim: lot of bug fixes.
emmet-vim.zip 0.82 2013-08-13 7.0 Yasuhiro Matsumoto This is an upgrade for Emmet.vim: many bug fixes.
emmet-vim.zip 0.81 2013-08-06 7.0 Yasuhiro Matsumoto Release of Emmet.vim: renamed from ZenCoding.vim.
zencoding-vim.zip 0.80 2012-11-19 7.0 Yasuhiro Matsumoto This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: add emmet features.
zencoding-vim.zip 0.74 2012-07-09 7.0 Yasuhiro Matsumoto This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: many bug fixes.
zencoding-vim.zip 0.73 2012-06-09 7.0 Yasuhiro Matsumoto This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: many bug fixes. and support slim format (experimental).
zencoding-vim.zip 0.72 2012-05-28 7.0 Yasuhiro Matsumoto This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim:
[fix] fix finding tokens.
zencoding-vim.zip 0.71 2012-05-28 7.0 Yasuhiro Matsumoto This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim:
[fix] fix finding begin of tokens.
zencoding-vim.zip 0.70 2012-05-28 7.0 Yasuhiro Matsumoto This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim:
[mod] Changed behavior of expanding. "div div>a|" should keep first div element.
[add] Supported slim formatter.
zencoding-vim.zip 0.60 2012-05-02 7.0 Yasuhiro Matsumoto This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim:
[fix] fixed expanding {{}}.
zencoding-vim.zip 0.59 2012-01-31 7.0 Yasuhiro Matsumoto This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim:
[fix] fixed toggleComment and mny bugs.
zencoding-vim.zip 0.58 2011-11-22 7.0 Yasuhiro Matsumoto This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim:
[fix] fixed 'foo+' style expandos.
zencoding-vim.zip 0.57 2011-11-22 7.0 Yasuhiro Matsumoto This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim:
[fix] fixed expandos that don't work 'choose' in xsl.
zencoding-vim.zip 0.56 2011-11-08 7.0 Yasuhiro Matsumoto This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim:
[fix] fixed contents parser.
zencoding-vim.zip 0.55 2011-10-25 7.0 Yasuhiro Matsumoto uploaded again: sorry, files was old.
ip used for rating:

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