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ttoc : A regexp-based table of contents of the current buffer

 script karma  Rating 880/220, Downloaded by 4726  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Tom Link
script type
This plugin tries to duplicate the functionality of Marc Weber's
outline.vim (vimscript #1947) on the basis of its description and of
vim's own |:g|. Other than outline.vim, it relies on tlib
(vimscript #1863).

The TToC[!] command can be used to get a quick table of contents of the
buffer based on a given regular expression. The regexp can be defined on
the command line, in window (w:ttoc_rx), buffer-local (b:ttoc_rx)
variables or in global filetype-specific (g:ttoc_rx_{&filetype})
variables. The order actually is: [wbg]:ttoc_rx_{&filetype} >

In the list view, you can select a line and either preview it (<c-p>),
jump there (<), close the list and jump there (<cr>).


  " Use the default settings for the current file-type
  " Show all words beginning at column 1
  :TToC ^\w
  " Show 'if' statements (but not the concluding 'then' statement)
  :TToC ^\s*if\>.\{-}\ze\s\+then
  " Show 'if' statements and 3 extra lines
  :3TToC! \<if\>

TToC only shows the matching string. TToC! works somewhat like |:g| in
showing the whole line, only that you can browse/filter the list and
select an item after reviewing the results.
install details
Edit the vba file and type: >

    :so %

See :help vimball for details. If you have difficulties, please make
sure, you have the current version of vimball (vimscript #1502)

This script requires tlib (vimscript #1863) to be installed.

Suggested maps (to be set in ~/.vimrc): >
    noremap  <Leader>cc       :TToC<cr>
    inoremap <Leader>cc       <c-o>:TToC<cr>
    noremap  <Leader>c<space> :TToC!
    inoremap <Leader>c<space> <c-o>:TToC!

The following gives you a |[I| or |]I| like experience but with a IMHO more
convenient UI:

    noremap  <Leader>c#       :TToC! <c-r><c-w><cr>
    inoremap <Leader>c#       <c-o>:TToC! <c-r><c-w><cr>

Also available via git

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
ttoc.vba 0.08 2013-11-15 7.0 Tom Link - Help template
- g:ttoc#scratch#wipeout defaults to: 'BufDelete,BufWipeout' . (&hidden ? '' : ',BufHidden')
- ttoc#View(): Use a clean filename
MD5 checksum: fcdca87eb2d549e516705e781cfaa069
ttoc.vba 0.07 2013-10-18 7.0 Tom Link - addon-info
- g:ttoc_rx_help
- Allow for g:ttoc_world_{&filetype}
- When deleting the source buffer, delete the respective ttoc buffer
MD5 checksum: bb3b38c08da5d2a5a852d4da75508e3f
ttoc.vba 0.06 2012-01-21 7.0 Tom Link - .gitignore
- Removed obsolete code
- \n triggers multiline mode (fixes https://github.com/tomtom/tlib_vim/issues/12)>- Markdown support
MD5 checksum: 87b122db88d0af8092f8b284ec64a9e9
ttoc.vba.gz 0.5 2009-10-11 7.0 Tom Link - Handle multi-line regexps (thanks to M Weber for pointing this out)
- Changed key for "trace cursor" from <c-t> to <c-insert>.
- Require tlib 0.32
- Fill location list
ttoc.vba.gz 0.3 2008-11-23 7.0 Tom Link - Highlight the search term on partial searches
- Defined :Ttoc as synonym for :TToC
- Defined :Ttocbg to open a toc in the "background" (leave the focus/cursor in the main window)
- Require tlib 0.21
- Experimental: ttoc#Autoword(onoff): automatically show lines containing the word under the cursor; must be enabled for each buffer.
- Split plugin into (autoload|plugin)/ttoc.vim
- Follow/trace cursor functionality (toggled with <c-t>): instantly preview the line under cursor.
- Restore original position when using preview
ttoc.vba.gz 0.2 2007-11-05 7.0 Tom Link - <c-e> Run a command on selected lines.
- g:ttoc_world can be a normal dictionary.
- Use tlib#input#ListD() instead of tlib#input#ListW().
- Require tlib >= 0.14
ttoc.vba.gz 0.1 2007-09-08 7.0 Tom Link Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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