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clipbrd : Clipboard and other register content editor.

 script karma  Rating 51/17, Downloaded by 3561  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Hari Krishna Dara
script type
Requires Vim 6.3

See vimtip#805 for an easy way to use the plugin as an external editor for most applications on windows.

This is a very simple utility that allows you to quickly view and edit contents (only those that are not read-only) of various registers that Vim supports. Most useful to quickly view and modify system clipboard using a shortcut (see Installation section). I often use this technique to even strip off the RTF to simple-text while copying from one application to other (that suppot RTF format, such as IE to Outlook).

- Execute the default map (\cb or <Leader>cb) or :ClipBrd command to view
  the default register ("*", the clipboard register). You can also specify
  the register name as an argument to the :ClipBrd command.
- The register name is remembered (until you change it again by explicitly
  specifying it) so that you don't have to specify it everytime you run
  :ClipBrd command.
- The "[Clip Board]" buffer is like a regular Vim file buffer, as you can
  write (:w, :w!, :wq, :wq!), reload (:e, :e!) and quit (:q, :q!) the
  buffer using the built-in Vim commands. Writing without the bang will
  make the plugin prompt you for confirmation and where available, you can
  click "Cancel" to prevent the buffer from quitting.
- To refresh contents from the register, use :e or :e! command, or just
  close and reopen the buffer. To quit without saving, just use the :q!
- Even other buffer commands and settings work as expected, e.g., you can
  :hide the buffer if you can't decide to save or quit, and the contents
  should remain the same when you come back, unless a different register
  is explicitly specified while opening the clipboard. Setting 'bufhidden'
  to "hide" or 'hidden' also should do the same.

Search_key_words: clipboard register genutils edit hari krishna dara
install details
Requires Vim 6.3

- Place the file in your plugin directory.
- Also install the latest genutils.vim.
- If you don't like the default map (\cb), change it by placing the
  following in your vimrc (change <Your Map> appropriately):
    nmap <unique> <silent> <Your Map> <Plug>ClipBrdOpen
- If you want to change the default register from "*" to something else,
  put the following in your vimrc:
    let g:clipbrdDefaultReg = '+'
  The default register is significant only the first time you invoke the
  ClipBrd without specifying any register.  
- You can optionally create a program shortcut with the following as the
    gvim +ClipBrd +only
  This allows you to use the shortcut to quickly view and edit the
  system clipboard. I find it extremely useful. Place the shortcut in a
  quick reach (like the windows taskbar) and you will have a powerful
  clipboard editor handy all the time.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
clipbrd.vim 2.0 2007-06-04 7.0 Hari Krishna Dara - Updated to work with the latest version of genutils.vim
- Bug fix: space in the plugin buffer name could cause issues.
- Improved <C-G> in the plugin window to show some useful information.
clipbrd.vim 1.0 2004-06-18 6.0 Hari Krishna Dara Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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